Project Management Structure:

The main roles and instruments comprising the RAINBOW project management structure include:

General Assembly (GA): It will consist of representatives of each partner organisation. It will constitute the highest decision board and its main task will be project governance. It will have the overall responsibility of all technical, financial, legal, administrative, ethical and impact issues of the project. It will monitor and assess the project’s progress and make amendments, where necessary. It will encompass the following main roles:

  1. Project Coordinator (PC) – Dr Dimitris Alexandrou (UBITECH) – who will chair the GA, represent the project at the European Commission and be responsible for the overall management, communication and coordination of the entire project, emphasising on the assurance of all work-package activities’ integration.
  2. Scientific Coordinator (SC) – Prof. George Pallis (UCY) – will have the responsibility to drive and coordinate all scientific decisions, addressing and solving any research issues that might arise, as well as the management of the delivery of high-quality scientific results.
  3. Technical Coordinator (TC) – Dr Panagiotis Gouvas (UBITECH) – will have the responsibility to coordinate and manage the integration and coherence of all technical results and in addition industrial implementations. He will also ensure that the technical objectives of the project are met with quality and in time. The TC is expected to lead the technical activities undertaken within the project and will be responsible
    for resolving any issues of technical nature that might occur.
  4. Participant Managers (PM), the role of whom will be the representation of each partner in the PCC and the participation in any voting procedures as regards administrative or technical issues of the project.
  5. Quality and Risk Manager (QRM) – Prof. Carla Chiasserini (POLITO) – is responsible for implementation of quality procedures and quality assurance of deliverables. She is also in charge of the early identification, assessment, and – along with the support of the PC – the management of administrative and technical risks.
  6. Dissemination Manager (DM) – Prof. Athena Vakali (AUTH) – who will be responsible for the project results scientific dissemination, the clustering and standardization activities.
  7. Communication Manager (CM) – Dr Antonios Sarigiannidis (K3Y) – who will be responsible to raise public awareness of the project, to ensure wide communication of the project results and engage stakeholders.
  8. Exploitation & Innovation Manager (EIM) – Dr. Riccardo Scopigno (LINKS) – has the responsibility to manage actions concerning exploitation and marketing of results coming out of RAINBOW. He will also be responsible for innovation management, defining the innovation process to be followed in the project, ensuring that it is being fulfilled, aligning the technical development of tools and services with the business exploitation, so as to ensure a proper uptake of project results by the market, as well as for IPR handling, market analysis and joint exploitation models and plan creation, and for supporting the partners in setting up their individual business and commercialisation plans.
  9. Fog Adopters Industrial Focus Group Liaison (FA-IFGL) – Dr Christian Hanser (IFAT) – who will administer all activities related to engaging and  clustering with Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing stakeholders and adopters, focusing mainly on industrial partnerships.

Scientific & Technical Committee (STC): Under the control of and in compliance with the decisions of the PCC, STC shall be responsible for the planning, execution and controlling of the project, as regards issues of
both scientific & technical nature. It shall be in charge of the project progress and will decide upon all relevant technical and administrative issues, such as: redirection of work in an WP, major transfer of resources across WPs or Partners (over 20%), technological choices, time plans changes, new Partner inclusion, substitution or exclusion of an existing Partner, conflict resolution between WPs. It will also administer Calls of Tenders or central equipment provision or specifications, new Partners inclusion. STC will be chaired by the SC, while the TC will be the vice-chair of the committee, and encompass the following roles:

  1. Work Package Leaders (WPL) of the project who will be responsible for managing their work package as a self-contained entity. Their tasks include among others coordinating, monitoring, and assessing the
    progress of the WP to ensure that output performance, costs, and timelines are met.

Project Management Office (PMO): Responsible for the administrative and financial management of the project, including the day-to-day micro-management of all project’s activities, under the guidelines and in tight
coordination with the PC, the SC and the TC. It will encompass the following main roles:

  1. Project Manager (PM) – Dr. Sophia Karagiorgou (UBI) – will be responsible for all project management issues. These include ensuring the timely and in-budget achievement of project results, the timely submission of deliverables, the preparation of cost and progress reports, the preparation of the Project Handbook (D8.1), and in general the adherence to agreed processes and procedures within the project. She will lead the Project Office and as such also be responsible for the implementation of administrative tasks.
  2. Financial Officer (FO), who will be engaged for the financial project management and supervision.

Advisory Board (AB): It will consist of five well-known external, independent experts, covering mainly the Cloud/Fog/Edge and Trusted Computing domains, to closely monitor and directly provide consultation to the innovation and technological development activities performed by the consortium participants throughout the project’s lifecycle. The AB will offer high-end consultation services to the consortium to ensure that the project’s
results will match the Cloud/Fog/Edge community and stakeholders needs. Prof. Marios Dikaiakos (UCY) will be responsible for the AB Liaison. We have already received five Letters of Intent from Carnegie Mellon University, Wayne State College of Engineering, University of Melbourne, TTTech and University of Surrey expressing their interest and support to RAINBOW project. Further, we will invite key beneficiaries from other Cloud/Fog/Edge projects to our Advisory Board and at the same time offer similar service to them. This
will allow a more direct synergy among Cloud/Fog/Edge projects.

Sustainability Board (SB): All beneficiaries will nominate (at the Project’s Kick-Off Meeting) a Market Evolution and Sustainability Representative who will participate to the project Sustainability Board and represent
her organisation in sustainability matters. The SB goals include monitoring market evolution and steering the general dissemination and exploitation actions within RAINBOW accordingly, to maximize the exploitation
potentials and sustainability of project results. The Representatives can also be invited to attend the GA meetings. RAINBOW Head of Sustainability Board will be appointed the EIM (Dr. Riccardo Scopigno).

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