Use Case 2: Urban Mobility Demonstrator Video

Automatic Hazardous Events Detection is an urban mobility service developed by our colleagues from CRF (Stellantis), LINKS Foundation and Politecnico di Torino. Reliable traffic information exchange and detection of dangerous situations on the road are state-of-the-art georeferenced alert services in urban areas. The objective is to detect dangerous situations efficiently and send alerts to all the connected vehicles and to […]

RAINBOW Newsletter Issue #12

The Twelfth issue of RAINBOW’s newsletter has been released! Throughout the course of 36 months, between the beginning of 2020 and the end of 2022, the RAINBOW project managed to create measurable impact from technical outputs and scientific progress beyond the state-of-the-art to contribution to standards and policies, strategic and economic initiatives, to raising awareness and achieving public outreach. Read […]

RAINBOW’s roadmap to impact assessment -the final approach

RAINBOW’s impact assessment is our effort to prove the applicability, usability, effectiveness and value of the RAINBOW integrated framework in industrial, real-life trustworthy services, applications and scenarios, demonstrating the RAINBOW artefacts, methodologies and services under pragmatic conditions against the project’s use cases. The “Project Impact Assessment” deliverable concludes the work in Work Package 7 “Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication” and by […]

RAINBOW Use Case 1 Webinar: Human-Robot Collaboration in Industrial Ecosystems – Outcomes

On Dec. 9th 2022, BIBA conducted a webinar summarizing the Human-Robot Collaboration in Industrial Ecosystems Use Case carried out as the part of RAINBOW project. The aim of the use case was to convert a centralized monolithic industrial application to a fog computing solution with the integration of RAINBOW, therefore, proving capabilities of RAINBOW. The webinar started with an introduction […]

Hackathon activity – “Building Internet of Things Applications with Docker Containers”

On the 3rd of December, 2022 the Laboratory for Internet Computing of the University of Cyprus (UCY), under the context of RAINBOW H2020 project, organized a Hackathon Tutorial event titled “Building Internet of Things Applications with Docker Containers”. The Hackathon Tutorial was addressed to undergraduate and master students as well as PhD candidates, of the University of Cyprus, Department of […]

RAINBOW Use Case 2 Webinar: “Digital Transformation of Urban Mobility” – Outcomes

On December 6, CRF, LINKS and POLITO held a webinar about the Urban Mobility Demonstrator Use Case carried out as the part of the RAINBOW project. The aim of the use case was to explore urban fog mobility scenarios and ecosystems. To reach this objective was developed and deployed an Hazardous location notification system for Urban Areas. The webinar presented […]

RAINBOW’s 11th Newsletter is now available

The Eleventh issue of RAINBOW’s newsletter has just been published! In the previous period RAINBOW organized and participated in a series of events aimed at showcasing its results as well as interacting with its target audience. Read the current newsletter here and learn more about the events (online webinars, hackathon activities, cloud computing session) that RAINBOW hosted and participated during […]

Use Case 3 Webinar: “Power Line Surveillance via Swarm of Drones” – Outcomes

On December 2, MSP conducted a webinar summarizing the Power Line Surveillance via Swarm of Drones Use Case carried out as the part of the RAINBOW project. The aim of the drone use case was to test fog and cross-cloud services designed and integrated with the drone system , which enable the coordination of the individual drone tasks performing the […]

Hackathon activity – “Building optimized IoT applications for distributed environments”

On 3rd of December, 2022 the Data & Web Science Laboratory of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), with the support of RAINBOW and within the framework of its Data & Web Science postgraduate studies programme, organized a hackathon activity titled “Building optimized IoT applications for distributed environments”. The activity was addressed to undergraduate and master students as well as PhD […]

Human-Robot Collaboration in Industrial Ecosystems: Preparation of Use Case Applications for RAINBOW

RAINBOW framework provides an easy-to-use toolchain for deployment and monitoring of applications and enable scaling through its orchestration capabilities. This allows high level of flexibility and efficiency as the system resources are used only when it is needed and more resources can be added or removed depending on the systems need. However, to enable orchestration through RAINBOW, the system applications […]


HACKATHON BUILDING OPTIMIZED IoT APPLICATIONS FOR DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENTS Organized in the framework of the Data & Web Science postgraduate programme Activity description The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to change the way we monitor, understand, and interact with our physical world, bringing it closer to cyberspace. Data collected by and retrieved from IoT devices are essential in building […]

RAINBOW Use Case 1 Webinar: Human-Robot Collaboration in Industrial Ecosystems

Online – December 9th, 2022 / 14.00 CET Organizer: BIBA Agenda: Join the webinar here:

RAINBOW Hackathon: Organized by UCY

Activity description The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fast-growing technology where smart devices, such as environmental sensors, medical monitors, smart house gadgets, and industrial sensors, interact with the environment, building cyber-physical applications. Moreover, developers are increasingly implementing applications by adopting containerization technologies, like the Docker platform. Docker is an open platform for container-based virtualization and offers the most well-known […]

RAINBOW Use Case 2 Webinar: Digital Transformation of Urban Mobility

Online – December 6th, 2022 / 14.00-16.00 CET Organizer: CRF Agenda: Join the webinar here:

RAINBOW International Hackathon: Organized by DTU, POLITO and TUW

Edge computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) expand the range of possibilities for the use of computing resources. Smart factories, smart cars, or worker accident detection are examples of IoT use cases that are enabled by the Edge computing paradigm. Many scenarios require combining Edge computing with Cloud computing to allow leveraging high-performance computing resources in the Cloud. This […]

EBDVF22: Next-generation platforms for Europe’s Cloud continuum – Press Release

16 November 2022 Next-generation platforms for Europe’s Cloud continuum The EU-funded research and innovation projects RAINBOW, PLEDGER and MORPHEMIC, are hosting a session under the prestigious European Big Data Value Forum. The European Big Data Value Forum is a major ICT event in Europe that brings together big industry, technology professionals, business developers, researchers and policy-makers and attracts a large […]

RAINBOW Use Case 3 Webinar: Power Line Surveillance via Swarm of Drones

Online – December 2nd, 2022 / 12.00-14.00 CET Organizer: MSP Agenda: Join the webinar here:

Scheduler Paper to be Presented at UCC2022

RAINBOW partner TUW will present their paper “Polaris Scheduler: SLO- and Topology-aware Microservices Scheduling at the Edge” [1] at the 15th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC2022), which will take place on December 6-9, 2022 in Vancouver, Washington, USA. Polaris Scheduler, is a fork of the RAINBOW Fog-aware Kubernetes scheduler in the Centaurus project. Due to the […]

RAINBOW participating in the European Big Data Value Forum 2022

RAINBOW together with the EU-funded projects PLEDGER and MORPHEMIC, will host a session under the prestigious European Big Data Value Forum. The European Big Data Value Forum, which has been organized by the Big Data Value Association and the European Commission (DG CNECT) for the last 5 years, is a major ICT event in Europe that brings together big industry, […]

RAINBOW will present a new paper at the Trustcom 2022 conference

RAINBOW partners from IFAT “will” present a new paper entitled “Enabling Anonymous Authenticated Encryption with a Novel Anonymous Authenticated Credential Key Agreement (AACKA)” at the 21st IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2022), in Wuhan, China. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference date was shifted to the end of November (hopefully). In […]

RAINBOW’s 10th Newsletter is now available

The Tenth issue of RAINBOW’s newsletter has just been published! Read it here and learn more about the RAINBOW physical demonstrators and the deployment of the second platform release at the infrastructure of each of the three use cases. Also, take a look at the upcoming European Big Data Value Forum 2022, where RAINBOW is hosting a session together with […]

RAINBOW 8th Plenary Meeting – Press release

3 November 2022 RAINBOW 8th Plenary Meeting The 8th Plenary Meeting of the RAINBOW project took place on the 20th and 21st of October 2022. Following a hybrid approach, a team of partners met physically in Nicosia, Cyprus with others joining online. Representatives of the 15 members of the RAINBOW consortium discussed altogether progress and integration aspects towards the final […]

RAINBOW’s Poster is now available

Take a look at the RAINBOW’s Poster and find out useful information regarding the project such as the market potential of RAINBOW and innovations introduced by RAINBOW. Furthermore, it presents the project’s consortium along with its use cases and more! Check it out here!

5G Network Slicing Emulation for Fog applications

The fifth generation (5G) of mobile communication promises a 1000x higher mobile data volume per unit area and support for 10–100x more connected devices than 4G mobile networks satisfying the interconnection of the Fog infrastructure components including thousands of IoT devices and hundreds of Fog nodes, and the pressing connectivity requirements of the network throughput and latency of IoT-enabled deployments. […]

RAINBOW’s Banner is now available

The RAINBOW Banner has been published. It presents the market potential of RAINBOW, the project’s consortium along with its use cases and more! Download it here!

RAINBOW presents a scientific paper on proving integrity conformance in zero knowledge at the 2022 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES)

The paper entitled “ZEKRO: Zero-Knowledge Proof of Integrity Conformance” was accepted for presentation at the 2022 International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES), which was held on August 23-26, 2022, in Vienna and subsequently appeared in the International Conference Proceedings Series published by ACM ICPS available here: In this work, RAINBOW partners propose a general ZEro-Knowledge pRoof of […]

Drone Swarm Mobility Models

Mobility models are pivotal for the analysis and effective simulation and modelling of drone swarms, and mobile ad hoc networks in general. In the paper entitled “Swarm Mobility Models and Impact of Link State Awareness in Ad Hoc Routing”, supported by the RAINBOW project, the authors analyze the impact of link-state awareness in ad hoc deployments for various swarm mobility […]

Verifying the RAINBOW Security Model

It is well known that designing and coding security protocols is an error-prone task. Several flaws are constantly being found in protocol specifications and implementations, and some of them are discovered even years after their issue. The formal modelling and verification of security protocols, through formal methods, can mitigate this problem and increase the confidence in the final artefact security, […]

RAINBOW’s Data Placement techniques for the Fog Continuum

RAINBOW’s Distributed Data Storage and Sharing Service’s role is to provide persistent and in-memory data storage capabilities to nodes scattered across the fog continuum to ensure in-time access to the collected monitoring data by collaborating entities such as the Analytics service. The storage needs to be able to complete the I/O requests without impending heavy I/O overheads on the fog […]

RAINBOW Power Line Surveillance via a Swarm of Drones – Definition of SLOs via RAINBOW

The main purpose of a Service-Level Objective (SLO) is ensuring that the system remains in optimal (or near-optimal) condition for the duration of its desired duty cycle. In the case of the third RAINBOW use case, that is performing data acquisition, while network topology and the physical instances of several nodes are volatile. One of the driving ideas behind the […]

RAINBOW’s 2nd Flyer is now available

The second version of RAINBOW’s flyer has just been published! It presents useful information such as the consortium of the project and RAINBOW’s KPIs. Furthermore, it presents all the latest updates about the project; the 2nd platform release and the early-stage evaluation processes on project’s use cases. Download it here.

RAINBOW’s 2nd Brochure is now available

The second version of RAINBOW’s brochure has just been published! It presents useful information such as the objectives of RAINBOW, the consortium of the project and RAINBOW’s KPIs. Furthermore, it presents all the latest updates about the project; the 2nd platform release and the early-stage evaluation processes on project’s use cases. Download it here.

RAINBOW Project Represented at CSNDSP 2022

On Thursday the 21st of July 2022, our colleague George Amponis from K3Y, presented the paper “Swarm Mobility Models and Impact of Link State Awareness in Ad Hoc Routing“ at the 13th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communications Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), during the session dedicated to UAV Communications: Energy Efficiency, Resource management and Security. The paper concerns […]

RAINBOW 2nd release – Service Graph Editor & Analytics Editor

RAINBOW released a 2nd version in May 2022. This version includes advancements in all architecture layers and refinements based on demonstrators’ feedback. UBITECH worked towards the Service Graph Editor & Analytics Editor component that belongs to the modeling layer and is part of RAINBOW UI. The Service Graph Editor is composed of two parts, the first part is responsible to […]

Second version of the RAINBOW platform – Press release

26 July 2022 The 2nd version of the RAINBOW platform has been realised! In the previous semester the RAINBOW project reached a significant milestone by delivering the second version of its integrated fog computing platform. For the second release, all components are fully functional, and the integrated features are available for use. RAINBOW’s researchers worked towards improving the functionalities provided […]

RAINBOW’s 9th Newsletter is now available

The Ninth issue of RAINBOW’s newsletter has just been published! The last couple of months the RAINBOW team has been active in supporting and organising a series of events and activities. Read the current newsletter here and learn more about the events (webinars, workshops, plenary meeting etc.) that RAINBOW hosted, supported and participated during the last months.

RAINBOW Integration Approach

In total, 3 distinct releases of the RAINBOW Platform are planned with 3 corresponding supporting documents. Actually, RAINBOW devised a plan that adopts a specific approach to implement the RAINBOW framework mechanisms. To secure its impeccable operation, the platform development follows a continuous process that contains all required discrete steps that re-assure its high quality during the entire lifetime of […]

RAINBOW’s roadmap to impact assessment -an initial approach

RAINBOW’s impact assessment is our effort to prove the applicability, usability, effectiveness and value of the RAINBOW integrated framework in industrial, real-life trustworthy services, applications and scenarios, demonstrating the RAINBOW artefacts, methodologies and services under pragmatic conditions against the project’s use cases ( The current release of the RAINBOW platform allows the organisations to do what they do best without […]

Fog/Edge Computing in Decentralized Indoor Localization Systems for Manufacturing Environments

Reliable indoor positioning (<10cm) enables several innovative location-based services, because such accuracy levels essentially allow for real-time interaction between humans and cyber-physical systems. Activity recognition, machine navigation (e.g., “shelf” level), geo-fencing, and automated robotics; are among services that yield safety-critical assembly processes and logistics. Specifically, for a production process that demands the involvement of humans and robots to assemble heavy […]

Workshop on “Edge Orchestration” – Outcomes

On June 21, the RAINBOW consortium hosted an online workshop on Edge Orchestration. Platforms for managing Cloud-only infrastructures, such as Kubernetes or OpenStack are well known. Recently various platforms for managing the Cloud-Edge continuum have started to emerge. Both, academia and industry, have presented innovative ideas for tackling the challenges of this domain over the past years. This workshop presented […]

Webinar: “Managing Service Level Objectives” – Outcomes

On June 15, the RAINBOW consortium hosted a technical webinar on managing Service Level Objectives (SLOs). The goal was to give an overview of the capabilities of the Polaris Framework, which is used to implement the SLO controllers and elasticity strategies in RAINBOW. RAINBOW member TU Wien first presented the concepts of the Polaris Framework and its approach to high-level […]

RAINBOW 7th Plenary Meeting – Press release

5 July 2022 RAINBOW 7th Plenary Meeting Representatives of the RAINBOW consortium gathered together at the 7th Plenary Meeting of the RAINBOW project that took place in Athens, Greece on 28-29th of June 2022. During the meeting, RAINBOW partners had the chance to present the progress of their tasks, along with the challenges, potential opportunities and future plans related to […]

4th International Workshop on Cyber-Security in Software-defined and Virtualized Infrastructures (SecSoft)

Co-hosted at 8th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft2022) that will be held from June 27 to July 1, 2022 in Milan, Italy.IEEE NetSoft has been created as a flagship conference aiming at addressing “Softwarization” of networks and systemic trends concerning the convergence of Cloud Computing, Software-Defined Networking (SDN), and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). The main purpose of the […]

Development of geo-referenced alert services in urban areas

Traffic information, road works, dynamic speed adjustments, dangerous situations on the road are a state of the art of geo-referenced alert services in urban areas but often alerts information is not up-to-date or accurate and it does not strictly concern the part of road we are traveling on. Thanks to the fog/edge computing it is possible to distribute such traffic […]

Online workshop on “Edge Orchestration” – Press Release

14 June 2022 Online workshop on “Edge Orchestration” On Tuesday June 21, 2022 at 17:30 CEST, RAINBOW project is hosting an online workshop on “Edge Orchestration”. Platforms for managing Cloud-only infrastructures, such as Kubernetes or OpenStack are well known. Recently various platforms for managing the Cloud-Edge continuum have started to emerge. Both, academia and industry, have presented innovative ideas for […]

Webinar: “The RAINBOW Data Management and Analytics Stack in Action!” – Outcomes

On May 27, 2022, WP4 partners gave a webinar showcasing a “hands-on” introduction to in-place data management and distributed data processing for fog computing with the use of the intuitive services comprising the RAINBOW Analytics Stack. These services can derive analytic insights that can be used to enhance QoS and optimize resource management and energy-efficiency. In their demonstration, UCY and […]

Join the RAINBOW WP3 SLO Webinar (15 June 2022)

Online – June 15th, 2022 / 15.00-16.10 CEST About the Webinar: Service Level Objectives (SLOs) are used to guide the elasticity in Cloud and Edge applications. Often, they are limited to low-level metrics like average CPU usage, uptime, or network throughput. The Polaris Framework, which is leveraged by the RAINBOW platform, supports the definition and implementation of high-level SLOs, based […]

Microclouds in pedestrian environments

The continuous growth of the urban population and the high development and maintenance costs of infrastructure-based approaches make it necessary the utilization of distributed schemes. Among distributed systems, there is an increasing interest in edge cloud models, both for vehicular and pedestrian applications. Politecnico di Torino, in collaboration with TU Berlin, developed a distributed application based on the micro cloud […]

RAINBOW Human-Robot Collaboration in Industrial Ecosystems Use Case: Reference Scenario

At high-level, human-robot collaboration system is a collision prediction and avoidance system between Personnel and Robots in an indoor environment. Following information is required continuously in a time-deterministic manner: Personnel’s current 3D Coordinates and motion dynamics Robot’s current 3D Coordinates and motion dynamics Using above information, predictions on collision are made a-priori. Based on probability of collision, the collision prediction […]

RAINBOW’s 8th Newsletter is now available

The Eighth issue of RAINBOW’s newsletter has just been published! Read it here and learn more about the second release of RAINBOW’s fog computing platform. Also, check out the updated integrated platform architecture. Furthermore, take a look at the second video of the project, entitled “RAINBOW Use Cases“. Moreover, read about the online workshop that RAINBOW organised on the 4th […]

Online technical webinar on “The RAINBOW Data Management and Analytics Stack in Action” – Press Release

23 May 2022 Online technical webinar on “The RAINBOW Data Management and Analytics Stack in Action” On Friday May 27, 2022 at 10:00 CEST RAINBOW is hosting a technical webinar titled “The RAINBOW Data Management and Analytics Stack in Action”. This webinar provides a hands-on tutorial that showcases how IoT services can take advantage of in-place data management and distributed […]

WP3 SLO Webinar & Edge Orchestration Workshop in June

In June the RAINBOW consortium will host two orchestration-related online events: a technical webinar on managing Service Level Objectives and a workshop on Edge Orchestration. SLO Webinar Date:           June 15, 2022Time:          15:00 – 16:10 CESTLocation:    Online (Zoom) Service Level Objectives (SLOs) are used to guide the elasticity in Cloud and Edge applications. Often, they are limited to low-level metrics […]

Introducing the RAINBOW Privacy-Preserving Control-Flow Attestation Component

In the race toward next-generation systems of systems, the adoption of edge and cloud computing is escalating to deliver the underpinning services. To safeguard the increasing attack landscape, traditional remote attestation schemes let a (trusted) verifier reason about the state of a remote prover’s computing platform. Security of these schemes generally relies on the presence of a trust anchor on […]

Technical components of the RAINBOW Digital Transformation of Urban Mobility Use Case

The following text describes in detail of the subsystems composing the second RAINBOW use case. Connected Vehicle: Vehicle equipped with a C-V2X communication device and a V2X client. Figure 1: Connected Vehicle The Vehicle performs data acquisition from the on-board CAN Bus and dispatches it to a cloud node using ETSI CAM messages through the Uu (and PC5) interface and […]

Data Distributed Processing in RAINBOW: An experimental evaluation of task placement optimization strategies

The RAINBOW Data Management and Analytics Stack helps users to manage and analyze in real-time the vast amounts of monitoring data collected from both the underlying fog resources and performance indicators from deployed IoT applications. Specifically, service operators describe through RAINBOW’s query language their queries, leaving the RAINBOW Data Management and Analytics Stack to (i) translate while optimizing their queries […]

WP4 Technical Webinar: “The RAINBOW Data Management and Analytics Stack in Action!”

Online – May 27th, 2022 / 10.00-11.00 CEST About the Webinar: This webinar provides a hands-on tutorial that showcases how IoT services can take advantage of in-place data management and distributed data processing offered by RAINBOW to derive analytic insights that can be used to enhance QoS and optimize resource management. To enhance this experience a realistic use-case of a […]

RAINBOW Use Cases Video – Press release

3 May 2022 RAINBOW Use Cases Video is OUT! The second VIDEO of RAINBOW is a FACT and is now available! RAINBOW’s consortium releases the second video of the project, one that aims to inform the public about the use cases of RAINBOW. The new video, entitled “RAINBOW Use Cases“, is the second of a series of videos which seek […]

Completing the RAINBOW collective attestation and runtime verification components

Within the RAINBOW action, the partners in work-package 2 (security and trust for fog and cross-cloud services), successfully delivered the final deliverables on collective attestation and runtime verification. In this task the partners invested a lot of research in relation to security and privacy. Some of the noteworthy outcomes are: Rainbow security and privacy-preserving attestation enables   Control flow enabler […]

Online Workshop – “Processing Data in the Fog. The example of the RAINBOW Fog Computing platform”

On 4th of April, 2022 the Data & Web Science Laboratory of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) with the support of RAINBOW successfully organized an online workshop on the topic of “Processing Data in the Fog. The example of the RAINBOW Fog Computing platform”. During this workshop various members of the research teams of AUTH, UBITECH and UCY presented a […]

High-level Description of the RAINBOW Digital Transformation of Urban Mobility Use Case

The Digital Transformation of Urban Mobility Use Case aims to demonstrate how RAINBOW system will contribute on developing a real-time geo-referenced notification system for vehicles traveling in urban areas about Hazardous situation. The RAINBOW platform will also act also in the vehicle communication field, by providing a reliable and decentralized approach to safely handle exchange of messages. AHED Automatic Hazardous […]

RAINBOW 6th Plenary Meeting – Press release

5 April 2022 RAINBOW 6th Plenary Meeting The 6th Plenary Meeting of the RAINBOW project took place on 15-16th of March 2022. The event was carried out online and gathered together representatives of the 15 members of the RAINBOW consortium. The project coordinator, UBITECH Ltd, organized and supported the whole process during the 2-days meeting. In the meeting, all partners […]

RAINBOW Platform Stakeholder Analysis: Stakeholder Roles

Interests and relations, regarding the three categories of stakeholders which analysed in the Blog Post entitled “RAINBOW Platform Stakeholder Analysis: The 3 Categories of Stakeholders”, were investigated further, in order to identify RAINBOW’s key stakeholders, in the Blog Post “RAINBOW Platform Stakeholder Analysis: RAINBOW’s key stakeholders“. Furthermore, applications and markets that may benefit from RAINBOW outcomes were presented in the […]

Online workshop on “Processing Data in the Fog: The example of the RAINBOW Fog Computing platform” – Press Release

29 March 2022 Online workshop on “Processing Data in the Fog – The example of the RAINBOW Fog Computing platform” On Monday April 4, 2022 at 16:00 CET the Data & Web Science Laboratory, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the framework of its MSc programme “Data & Web Science” is organizing an online workshop on “Processing Data in the Fog […]

RAINBOW one-stop-shop endpoint for edge-related operations

The RAINBOW Sidecar Proxy is a component that is responsible for handling several aspects of the IoT edge stack. First and foremost, each edge node will be seamlessly connected to a logical Kubernetes cluster, managed by the RAINBOW Orchestrator. Hence, a Kubernetes cluster comprises stationary resources (Data Center oriented) and IoT/Fog resources that connect to the logically centralized Kubernetes, i.e., […]

5G Connected Vehicles

Decentralized edge computing, service provisioning, network orchestration, security have been explored within the co-funded by the European Commission RAINBOW project as well relevant topics in the field of 5G networks. Stellantis-CRF, Links Foundation and Politecnico di Torino, collaborated on the Urban Mobility Demonstrator (UMD) automotive use case to assess those topics thought the RAINBOW framework. 5G will be the enabling factor for a […]

RAINBOW’s 7th Newsletter is now available

The Seventh issue of RAINBOW’s newsletter has just been published! Read it here and learn more about the RAINBOW early-stage evaluation processes on project’s use cases. Also, read about the first technical webinar which RAINBOW organised on the 22nd of February 2022, entitled: “RAINBOW Security and Trust in Fog Computing”. Furthermore, read about the collaboration with Centaurus project and take […]

Webinar: “RAINBOW Security and Trust in Fog Computing” – Outcomes

On Feb. 22nd, 2022 in a webinar the partners involved with the security and trust for fog and cross-cloud services, presented the current outcome in the context of security and trust within the RAINBOW platform. IFAT gave an overview of cloud and fog computing security and provided arguments, how using a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) may increase the overall system […]

Online workshop on “Processing Data in the Fog – The example of the RAINBOW Fog Computing platform”

On Monday April 4, 2022 at 16:00 CET the Data & Web Science Laboratory, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the framework of its MSc programme “Data & Web Science” is organizing an online workshop on “Processing Data in the Fog – The example of the RAINBOW Fog Computing platform” with the support of the RAINBOW project. During the workshop there […]

RAINBOW Human-Robot Collaboration in Industrial Ecosystems Use Case: Needs from RAINBOW

Based on current architecture mentioned in the blog post “RAINBOW Human-Robot Collaboration in Industrial Ecosystems Use Case” there are certain requirement/criteria that become crucial when the architecture needs to scale and cater to larger needs. The following are the high-level requirements that need to be satisfied by RAINBOW: Scalability of cloud-native services and effective utilization of resource on Fog device. […]

RAINBOW Platform Stakeholder Analysis: Applications and markets that may benefit from RAINBOW outcomes

Interests and relations, regarding the three categories of stakeholders which analysed in the Blog Post entitled “RAINBOW Platform Stakeholder Analysis: The 3 Categories of Stakeholders”, were investigated further, in order to identify RAINBOW’s key stakeholders, in the Blog Post “RAINBOW Platform Stakeholder Analysis: RAINBOW’s key stakeholders“. This analysis presents applications and markets that may benefit from RAINBOW outcomes: Mobile Devices […]

Webinar: “RAINBOW Security and Trust in Fog Computing”

Online – February 22nd, 2022 / 15.00-17.00 CET About the Webinar: In Edge and Fog Computing, data security and privacy are key challenges. Join us and learn how Trusted Platform Modules add a hardware-dimension to their solution and secure computing services, as the project’s partners involved with the security and trust for Fog and Cross-Cloud Services provide insights on how […]

Enabling C-V2X through RAINBOW

Resource provisioning, orchestration of heterogeneous facilities, life-cycle management, and task offloading are all open research topics that need fog/edge computing models. Managing a fog/edge orchestration framework, such as is done within the RAINBOW project, enables the creation of new application schemas in a variety of fields. Politecnico di Torino, Links Foundation Lab and CRF Lab collaborated on a safety vehicular application […]

4th International Workshop on Cyber-Security in Software-defined and Virtualized Infrastructures (SecSoft) – Call for Papers

SecSoft 2022: Call for Papers The 4th International Workshop on Cyber-Security in Software-defined and Virtualized Infrastructures (SecSoft – 1 July 2022) is a joint initiative by the Horizon 2020 EU projects GUARD, SIMARGL, RAINBOW, PALANTIR, INSPIRE-5Gplus and SIFIS-Home to create a dialogue about emerging cyber-security paradigms for virtualized environments and critical infrastructures. Scope Evolving business models are progressively reshaping ICT […]

RAINBOW Scheduler Contributed to Linux Foundation’s Centaurus Project

Recently the RAINBOW Fog-aware Kubernetes scheduler has been officially contributed to and forked by the Polaris SLO Cloud project, which is one of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of Linux Foundation’s Centaurus project, “an open-source platform for building a unified and scalable distributed cloud infrastructure”. Their goal is to allow combining Cloud and Edge resources at a large scale and […]

Testing RAINBOW Platform’s First Release in Powerline Surveillance via Swarm of Drones Use Case

RAINBOW UC3 regards the usage of a swarm of drones to monitor and survey the status of power lines. The novelty of this use-case stems from the complete automation of the surveillance process and the significant increase in working range. The main feature of the envisaged system is its ability to be quickly deployed in an area with no previously […]

RAINBOW Human-Robot Collaboration in Industrial Ecosystems Use Case

Reliable indoor positioning enables several innovative location-based services, because such accuracy levels essentially allow for real-time interaction between humans and cyber-physical systems. For safety-critical industrial IoT, real-time indoor localization services that monitor the movement of objects and detect human worker’s position with respect to the machinery (e.g., heavy-payloads robots), to prevent collisions and accidents. Specifically, the production process demands the […]

Why a Trusted Platform Module is necessary for RAINBOW?

Fog nodes are basically installed near edge devices. This mitigate the impact of low latency, location awareness, geographic distribution, etc. Thus, some fog nodes are physically accessible. This is one point where the Trusted Platform (TPM) comes into play as a secured storage. Another crucial part is the establishment of Trust. A Trusted Platform Module is a secured cryptographic co-processor […]

Why integration and development process are important for RAINBOW project?

The software integration of a platform is always a process that involves following several multi-disciplinary approaches when designing the integration plan. It is unambiguous that during software integration many challenges arise, and at the same time, several methods and approaches can be used. Complex frameworks like RAINBOW’s are a blend of different components cooperating so that the overall system can […]

RAINBOW Platform Stakeholder Analysis: RAINBOW’s key stakeholders

Interests and relations, regarding the three categories of stakeholders which analysed in the Blog Post entitled “RAINBOW Platform Stakeholder Analysis: The 3 Categories of Stakeholders”, are further investigated in this analysis, in order to identify RAINBOW’s key stakeholders. Interest vs Power Matrix The Interest versus Power Matrix is a structured and comprehensive method to illustrate the classification of each stakeholder […]

RAINBOW’s 6th Newsletter is now available

The Sixth issue of RAINBOW’s newsletter has just been published! Read it here and learn more about the RAINBOW virtual demonstrators and the RAINBOW components associated with them. Also read about the 5th plenary meeting of the RAINBOW project which took place on the 16th and 19th of November 2021. Furthermore, read about the 3rd Workshop on Cyber-Security Arms Race […]

RAINBOW Privacy-Respecting Configuration Integrity Verification

Leveraging cryptographic techniques and Trusted Components, such as Trusted Platform Modules (TPM), towards protecting and proving the authenticity and integrity of fog nodes is one of the core objectives of RAINBOW and serves as the foundation on which cloud-based services can start building a well-rounded cybersecurity strategy. In order to support enhanced system and network trust assurance, RAINBOW has defined […]

Testing RAINBOW Platform’s First Release in Human Robot Collaboration Use-Case

A Human-Robot Collaboration System relies on Edge / Fog Computing paradigm in order to achieve a safer, more collaborative environment in industries where humans and heavy-duty industrial grade robots can work in unison. In order to make such industrial workspaces safer and reliable, it is crucial to utilize the data generated from the robotic arms as well as an indoor-localization […]

Fogify in RAINBOW

A Fog Computing ecosystem consists of actors that range from IoT developers and academic researchers to Fog operators. All fog-related users would like to explore Fog capabilities, though they face new challenges in such a complex environment. For instance, IoT developers and researchers wish to evaluate their applications in Fog environments and analyze their performance metrics. Furthermore, Fog operators wish […]

RAINBOW 5th Plenary Meeting – Press release

26 November 2021 RAINBOW 5th Plenary Meeting The 5th Plenary Meeting of the RAINBOW project took place on the 16th and 19th of November 2021. Following a hybrid approach, a team of partners met physically in Athens, with others joining online. Representatives of the 15 members of the RAINBOW consortium discussed altogether progress and integration aspects towards the 2nd release […]

Automation of massive deployment of blockchain network nodes on fog and edge environments

The blockchain technology has become a promising decentralized data management framework. To that effect, its adoption in fog and edge environments has been increasing. The primary focus on such environments are decentralized storage, management and security. However, deploying and testing blockchain networks on such environments can be a cumbersome and time-consuming procedure. To that effect, AUTH has developed a framework […]

Join the CYSARM Workshop (19 Nov. 2021)

The RAINBOW project is inviting you to the CYSARM workshop (with the collaboration of ASSURED, PUZZLE and C4IIoT) , co-located with 2021 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, which will take place virtually on November 19th, 2021. The workshop is enabling and fostering the collaboration between researchers and practitioners to discuss the various facets and trade-offs regarding cybersecurity.  Being […]

RAINBOW Platform Stakeholder Analysis: The 3 Categories of Stakeholders

Stakeholders are divided into three categories which are based on their role in edge/fog ecosystem. The 3 Categories of Stakeholders The benefits that edge/fog computing offers are broadening the range of potential stakeholders. These stakeholders can benefit from this technology from three different positions: (i) use services deployed at the edge, (ii) develop services deployed at the edge or (iii) […]

RAINBOW Virtual Demonstrators

In the fall of 2021 RAINBOW is finalizing the early release of the three project demonstrators. These are virtual demonstrators for the Human Robot Collaboration, Digital Transformation of Urban Mobility and Power Line Surveillance use cases, to evaluate the first version of the RAINBOW platform. RAINBOW shall be deployed at the premises of each of the three project demonstrators with […]

RAINBOW’s 5th newsletter is now available

The Fifth issue of RAINBOW’s newsletter has just been published!Read it here and learn more about the early release of RAINBOW’s fog computing platform. Also, take a look at the first video of the project, entitled “RAINBOW Approach“. Furthermore, read out about the events which RAINBOW supported recently.Do not neglect to follow us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter […]

Participation in HORIZON CLOUD Technical Community Event (29-09-2021)

On 29 September 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 pm CEST, HORIZON CLOUD is organising a Technical Community Event on “Unleashing the Potential of Cloud, Fog, and Edge Computing in Europe“. The RAINBOW project will be represented by: Dr. Panagiotis Gouvas (R&D Director of UBITECH and technical coordinator of RAINBOW) and Moysis Symeonidis (Research & PhD candidate at the Laboratory of Internet […]

First version of the RAINBOW platform – Press release

14 September 2021 The 1st version of the RAINBOW platform has been realised! RAINBOW recently reached a significant milestone by delivering the first version of its integrated fog computing platform. RAINBOW’s first release abstracts and seamlessly handles: The deployment description of IoT services through the drag ‘n’ drop Service Graph Editor. The near-optimal placement of IoT services on provisioned fog […]

RAINBOW Approach Video – Press release

26 July 2021 RAINBOW Approach Video is OUT! The first VIDEO of RAINBOW is a FACT and is OUT! RAINBOW’s consortium releases the first video of the project, one that aims to awaken the public about the prospects of RAINBOW. Our video, entitled “RAINBOW Approach“, is the first of a series of videos which will introduce and explain all of […]

From a RAINBOW to the Horizon

Open Horizon One of the RAINBOW project’s goals is to influence fog and edge applications of the future. One of the many ways of achieving this, is contributing to frameworks that bear huge potential for production use. Open Horizon [1] is an open-source platform for managing containerized application deployments and machine learning on edge nodes. The main goal is managing the […]

3rd International Workshop on Cyber-Security Threats, Trust and Privacy Management in Software-defined and Virtualized Infrastructures (SecSoft)

Co-hosted at 7th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft2021) that will be held from June 28 to July 2, 2021 in Tokyo, Japan.IEEE NetSoft has been created as a flagship conference aiming at addressing “Softwarization” of networks and systemic trends concerning the convergence of Cloud Computing, Software-Defined Networking (SDN), and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). The main purpose of the […]

RAINBOW project will co-chair the 3rd Workshop on Cyber-Security Arms Race (CYSARM 2021 – #CYSARM21) in collaboration with ASSURED, PUZZLE and C4IIoT

RAINBOW Project (with the collaboration of ASSURED, PUZZLE and C4IIoT) is happy to announce that will co-chair the 3rd Workshop on Cyber-Security Arms Race (CYSARM) at a prestigious venue as the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS, South Korea, Hybrid Event), on November 19th, 2021. Although CYSARM is at the early phases (this year marks the third edition […]


The RAINBOW project was among the supporting projects of the REGAIN Data Week “Big Data as key driver for circular digital transformation” workshop hosted under BDVA DataWeek2021. During the workshop Data and Web Science Lab (Datalab) & Suite5 Data Intelligence Solutions highlighted the example of RAINBOW and the importance of EdgeComputing and FogComputing technologies acting as enablers for this transition. […]

RAINBOW’s 4th newsletter is now available

The Fourth issue of RAINBOW’s newsletter has just been published! Read it here and learn more about the mechanisms that RAINBOW provides to ensure security and trust for fog services. Also, check out RAINBOW attestation model & specification, and the collective attestation policy enablers of RAINBOW. In addition, take a look at the changes that have been made to our […]

RAINBOW 4th Plenary Meeting – Press release

28 May 2021 RAINBOW 4th Plenary Meeting The 4th Plenary Meeting of the RAINBOW project took place on 18-19th of May 2021. The event was carried out online and gathered together representatives of the 15 members of the RAINBOW consortium. The project coordinator, UBITECH Ltd, organized and supported the whole process during the 2-days meeting. In the meeting, all partners […]

Fog Orchestration Mechanisms: An Overview

1         State of the Art Many orchestrators assume that applications are executing in an environment with reliable nodes and fast network connections, e.g., a cloud. However, a fog typically consists of heterogeneous devices that have varying hardware capabilities and may move or fail without notice [1] [2]. Devices may range from drones with strict battery constraints, over smartphones, to small servers. Furthermore, […]

Key concepts driving the innovative technological axes of the RAINBOW project: Scalable trust establishment & attestation and Geo-distributed data processing

Scalable trust establishment and attestation RAINBOW will include the provision of secure, robust, and efficient run-time behavioural attestation and verification methods to check the internal state of an untrusted fog-based environment towards establishing its trustworthiness and privacy. The endmost goal is to establish “fog/edge node communities of trust”. To do so, RAINBOW will develop a trusted framework for attestation and […]

Key concepts driving the innovative technological axes of the RAINBOW project: Fog/Edge Computing and Service Graph Topology Descriptions

Fog/Edge Computing In recent years, with the proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the wide penetration of wireless networks, the number of edge devices and the data generated  from the edge have been growing rapidly [1]. Data mitigation is becoming a bottleneck constraining the cloud computing paradigm for delay-sensitive IoT services. Fog Computing promises lower response times for […]

Performance Comparison of Distributed Database Systems for Fog Analytics

One of the vital software components of RAINBOW is the Distributed Data Storage and Sharing Service. Its role is to provide persistent and in-memory data storage capabilities to nodes scattered across the fog continuum to ensure in-time access to recently collected monitoring data by collaborating entities (i.e., analytics, orchestration, routing). Data that are stored locally on fog nodes need to […]

Methodologies and techniques for extracting functional and non-functional requirements used for RAINBOW project

The intention behind the requirement elicitation, is to identify quality user requirements that can be implemented into software development projects. The requirements the engineering method follows ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2018 and describes two main processes or practices: Stakeholder Requirements Definition Process. The purpose here is to define the requirements for a system that can provide the services needed by users and other […]

Federated Cloud Reference Architecture Position Paper

The Future Cloud Cluster (FCC), a pan-European committee of experts in Cloud Computing, has released its new position paper entitled “Federated Cloud Reference Architecture”. With this paper, the FCC inputs to the European Commission its vision and rationale for realizing federated clouds comprised of multiple and heterogeneous cloud and edge computing layers, while also highlighting necessary building blocks and features. […]

RAINBOW’s 3rd newsletter is now available

The Third issue of RAINBOW’s newsletter has just been published! Read it here and learn more about the three use cases that RAINBOW will run to test and validate its fog computing platform. In addition, we can meet the esteemed members of our advisory board and also read about the new collaborations that RAINBOW has established. Do not neglect to […]

Technology axes of the emerging Fog Computing landscape

Technology axes of the emerging Fog Computing landscape With cloud computing becoming widely adopted, recent computing trends such as edge and fog computing have been introduced and gaining adoption as they fit better on cases where data is generated at “peripheral” devices. Edge computing is about the delivery of computing capabilities to the logical edges of a network in order […]

RAINBOW’s 2nd newsletter is now available

The Second issue of RAINBOW’s newsletter has just been published! Read here all about our research challenges, the RAINBOW technological axes, architecture, components, and the synergies RAINBOW has established with other projects. Do not forget to follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter!

1st Workshop on Dependability and Safety Emerging Cloud and Fog Systems (DeSECSys)

RAINBOW’s partners Technical University of Denmark and UBITECH are members of the organizing committee of the 1st Workshop on Dependability and Safety Emerging Cloud and Fog Systems (DeSECSys) that will take place in September 17-18, 2020, in Guildford, United Kingdom, co-located with the 25th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2020). Given that information security and privacy have already been established as some of […]

RAINBOW’s 1st newsletter is now available

The first issue of the  RAINBOW’s newsletter is now available! Read here all about our motivation and challenges, the mission and vision of RAINBOW, our stakeholders and the use cases we will use to validate our platform.   Do not forget to subscribe to our newsletter and get notified when new issues are available!

RAINBOW Stakeholder Survey

RAINBOW stakeholder survey! RAINBOW has created a stakeholder survey to collect the needs and requirements of the cloud community regarding edge & fog computing. For us it is really important to understand how the people that actually utilize the cloud in their business, provide and/or develop cloud-based services, are thinking. Whether you are a business executive or a developer (or both!) […]

RAINBOW 1st Plenary Meeting

RAINBOW project 1st Plenary Meeting! The 1st Plenary Meeting of RAINBOW took place on 26-27th of May 2020. The event was carried out online, and gathered together representatives of the 15 partners, effectively constructing a strong consortium! Special thanks to the Ubitech team for supporting the whole process! During the event, partners had the chance to present the progress of […]

RAINBOW project was kicked-off in Athens, Greece on February 2020

RAINBOW project was kicked off! The project has finally taken off in Athens during a two-day kick-off. The meeting of RAINBOW took place on 4-5th of February 2020 in Athens, Greece. The event was hosted by Ubitech, and gathered together representatives of the 15 partners, effectively constructing a strong consortium! Special thanks to the Ubitech team for hosting us! During […]

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