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PLEDGER aims to deliver a new architectural paradigm that will pave the way for next generation edge computing infrastructures, tackling the modern challenges and coupling the benefits of low latencies on the Edge with the robustness and resilience of cloud infrastructures. It will also allow edge computing users to understand the nature of their applications, research understandable quality of service metrics and optimise the competitiveness of their infrastructures. PLEDGER aims to deliver a set of tools and processes that will enable:

a) Edge Computing Providers to enhance the stability and performance effectiveness of their edge infrastructures, through modelling the overheads and optimal groupings of concurrently running services, runtime analysis and adaptation,

b) Edge Computing Adopters to understand the computational nature of their applications, investigate abstracted and understandable QoS metrics, facilitate trust and smart contracting and identify how they can balance their cost and performance to optimise their competitiveness and monitor their SLAs, and

c) Other industries to act as independent validators of QoS features in IoT applications, enabling new decentralised applications and business models, thus filling a large gap in the emerging Edge/IoT computing market landscape.

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The Forum for Strategy Focused Cloud Stakeholders

H-CLOUD leads coordination and support activities for the consolidation and growth of the Cloud Computing research and innovation community in Europe, bringing together innovators, policy makers, cloud computing research, industry and users into an open, participatory and sustainable forum. The H-CLOUD Forum will strengthen collaboration to address challenges and opportunities at research, technological, policy, standardisation and organisational level to unlock the potential of cloud computing for all European stakeholders.

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The aim of Future Cloud Cluster is to provide a forum for discussion and collaboration for research and innovation initiatives that address next generation Cloud Computing challenges and issues, including diverse forms of distributed computing (Cloud, Multi-Cloud, Edge, Fog, Ad-hoc and Mobile computing). The goal of the cluster is to create a critical mass of projects so as to share experiences, collaborate on approaches, discuss challenges for adoption and future research and elaborate a broad EU perspective for cloud technology roadmapping.

MORPHEMIC is a unique way of adapting and optimizing Cloud computing applications. The project is an extension of MELODIC which is a multi-cloud platform developed in the H2020 project. MELODIC is the simplest and easiest way to use Cross-Cloud. Now this open source platform is extended to MORPHEMIC with 2 main innovative pillars:

  • Polymorphing architecture: when a component can run in different technical forms, i.e. in a Virtual Machine (VM), in a container, as a big data job, or as serverless components.
  • Proactive adaptation: aims to forecast future resource needs and possible deployment configurations -adaptation can be done effectively and seamlessly for the users of the application.

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Persistent Personal Data Vaults Empowering a Secure and Privacy Preserving Data Storage, Analysis, Sharing and Monetisation Platform

Big Data lay at the core of the strong data economy that is emerging in Europe. Although both large enterprises and SMEs acknowledge the potential of Big Data in disrupting the market and business models, this is not reflected in the growth of the data economy. The lack of trusted, secure, ethical-driven personal data platforms and privacy-aware analytics, hinders the growth of the data economy and creates concerns. The main considerations are related to the secure sharing of personal and proprietary/industrial data, and the definition of a fair renumeration mechanism that will be able to capture, produce, release and cash out the value of data, always for the benefit of all the involved stakeholders.DataVaults aims to address this kind of concerns that pertain privacy, ethics and intellectual property rights , by allowing individuals to take ownership and control of their data and share them at will, through flexible data sharing and fair compensation schemes with other entities (companies or not).More information at:

GLASS is a Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Union aiming to create a new paradigm for the sharing and transfer of personal information, with the citizen in control. It will provide a distributed framework for sharing common services of public administrations across the EU for citizens, businesses and governments. GLASS introduces novel governance services facilitating free movement of citizens and businesses, producing strong social, societal, economic, technological and scientific impact and leading to an advanced e-government solution aligned fully with the EU eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 and the EU Digital Single Market strategy.More information is available at:

PUZZLE is a project funded by the EUʼs Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, which consists of thirteen partners representing research institutes, universities, technology providers, infrastructure providers (and users) and industrial partners (including eight SMEs & MEs) from eight EC member states and associated countries. PUZZLE will implement a highly usable cybersecurity, privacy and data protection management marketplace targeted at SMEs & MEs that enables them to monitor, forecast, assess and manage their cyber risks through targeted cybersecurity services, increase their cybersecurity awareness through the efficient heterogeneous information processing, the establishment of knowledge sharing with other SMEs & MEs and extract insights based on advanced analytics. More information at:

The EU-funded inGOV vision is to provide innovative ICT-supported governance models, where public authorities and relevant stakeholders can collaborate in co-creating inclusive and accessible integrated public services. On one hand, authorities increasingly strive to provide better services to end-users (citizens and businesses), but reality shows a low take-up. On the other hand, end-users don’t associate themselves with the offered public e-services, considering them of low value in many respects. inGOV will use multidisciplinary scientific methods, including design science, to suggest how government authorities can exploit co-creation methodology and technologies (i.e. mobile apps, virtual assistance) to improve user experience and take-up rates by offering personalised secure and trustful services, of increased value for the end-user. More information at:

DataCloud delivers a toolbox of new languages, methods, infrastructures, and prototypes for discovering, simulating, deploying, and adapting Big Data pipelines on heterogeneous and untrusted resources. DataCloud separates the design from the run-time aspects of Big Data pipeline deployment, empowering domain experts to take an active part in their definitions. Its aim is to lower the technological entry barriers for the incorporation of Big Data pipelines in organizations’ business processes and make them accessible to a wider set of stakeholders regardless of the hardware infrastructure. DataCloud validates its plan through a strong selection of complementary business cases offered by SMEs and a large company targeting higher mobile business revenues in smart marketing campaigns, reduced production costs of sport events, trustworthy eHealth patient data management, and reduced time to production and better analytics in Industry 4.0 manufacturing. More at:

UNLOCK CEI – Unlocking the Cloud, Edge, IoT demand potential in Europe aims to realise a pathway for the understanding and development of the CEI Continuum by promoting cooperation between a wide range of research projects, developers and suppliers, business users and potential adopters of this new technological paradigm. It will do so by contributing to the coordination of a portfolio of projects in the CEI Computing Continuum funded under the Meta-Operating Systems for the Next Generation IoT and Edge Computing and ensuring consistent exploitation of their outcomes to help regain European competitiveness in core internet infrastructures.

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