You must have a Kubernetes v1.21+ cluster available and configured in your KUBECONFIG file.To deploy the RAINBOW orchestration stack, open a terminal in the root folder of this repository and follow these steps:
- Clone the rainbow-orchestration git repository
git clone
- Create the rainbow-system namespace:
kubectl create namespace rainbow-system
- Create the regcred secret with your deployment token credentials for the rainbow-integration container registry:
kubectl create secret docker-registry -n=rainbow-system regcred --docker-server=<your-registry-server> --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword> --docker-email=<your-email>
- Deploy the orchestrator components
kubectl apply -f ./deployment
This deploys the following components:
- rainbow-scheduler
- Service Graph CRD
- Node Topology CRDs
- rainbow-orchestrator
- Horizontal Elasticity Strategy CRD and controller
- CRDs and controllers for the following SLOs:
- Image throughput SLO