Final release of RAINBOW’s integrated fog computing framework


On January 2023, 37 months after the project’s debut, RAINBOW reached a significant milestone by delivering the final version of its integrated fog computing platform.

For the final release, all components are fully functional, and the integrated functionalities are available for usage.

RAINBOW’s researchers worked towards improving the functionalities provided through the dashboard for the first release based on the feedback gained from the users.

Hence, the desired services are ready for the second round of evaluation that will lead to possible minor fixes and improvements.

Specifically, the final release of RAINBOW integrates fine-grained APIs of the finalized architecture, while the architecture itself has not been amended when compared to previous
versions since the componentisation represents the final code-level structure.

In the frame of deliverable D5.4, a total of 18 concrete groups of APIs have been abstracted to make the presentation of the platform more comprehensive

All relevant info has been gathered at the following GitLab repository.

To support adopters of RAINBOW, we have collected useful instructions so as you to be able deploy and manage the applications through and easy to use user interface. You can find these here.

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