RAINBOW partners from IFAT “will” present a new paper entitled “Enabling Anonymous Authenticated Encryption with a Novel Anonymous Authenticated Credential Key Agreement (AACKA)” at the 21st IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2022), in Wuhan, China. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference date was shifted to the end of November (hopefully). In the meantime you can take a look on the accepted publications here: http://www.ieee-hust-ncc.org/2022/TrustCom/accepted_paper.html.
In the paper, IFAT will present a novel Anonymous Authenticated Credential Key Agreement, short AACKA, that enables Anonymous Authenticated Encryption based on Camenish-Lysyanskaya (CL) credentials. We show how the Authenticated Anonymous Key Agreement protocol can be used to design an anonymous credential based Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption scheme and argue that it is more efficient than conventional hybrid approaches. Further, we indicate the applicability of our scheme on performance-restricted Internet of Things devices in Cloud-, Fog-, or Edge-Computing scenarios, as supported by the RAINBOW platform. In particular, we provide an implementation and a performance evaluation for a standard-compliant Java Card 3.1 device.
We hope to see you at the conference. Stay tuned and healthy.