On June 15, the RAINBOW consortium hosted a technical webinar on managing Service Level Objectives (SLOs). The goal was to give an overview of the capabilities of the Polaris Framework, which is used to implement the SLO controllers and elasticity strategies in RAINBOW.

RAINBOW member TU Wien first presented the concepts of the Polaris Framework and its approach to high-level SLOs. Due to the loose coupling between SLOs and elasticity strategies, Polaris and RAINBOW allow end users to choose which elasticity strategy, e.g., horizontal or vertical scaling, to use with an SLO.

The webinar featured two live demo sessions. First the generation and implementation of composed metric and SLO controllers using the Polaris CLI was showcased, followed by the configuration of an SLO mapping, which associates an SLO to a particular target workload and elasticity strategy. In the second demo session the ability of creating predicted metric controllers using AI prediction models for proactive scaling was presented.

All the presentation content (slides and recording) can be found under the following link: https://rainbow-h2020.eu/wp3-webinar-managing-service-level-objectives/


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