The software integration of a platform is always a process that involves following several multi-disciplinary approaches when designing the integration plan. It is unambiguous that during software integration many challenges arise, and at the same time, several methods and approaches can be used. Complex frameworks like RAINBOW’s are a blend of different components cooperating so that the overall system can deliver the promised functionalities. These sub-modules need to be integrated in such a way that they can support common business processes and data sharing across the whole framework. Effective integration of a framework should provide efficient, secure, and reliable data exchange between multiple components.

To address these challenges, we follow a specific approach to implement the mechanisms that constitute the RAINBOW framework. These mechanisms’ development is a continuous process that contains discrete steps that re-assure software quality. This process can be represented as a virtual circle that contains the following functional components. Each part of the circle is supported by online available tools that are already set up and interoperate smoothly:

(a) Code development,

(b) Version control system (pushing the changes to a DevOps Platform),

(c) Continuous Integration/Continuous Development actions (building and forwarding artefacts for further actions)

d) quality assurance of generated code,

(e) Storage of generated builds in a dockerized format,

(e) Issue/bug tracking and

(f) Deployment to production.

Figure 1: The mechanisms that constitute the RAINBOW Framework

Through this whole process we not only guarantee the smooth interconnection between the sub-components but at the same time we ensure the following code attributes:

  • Reliability: That means low chances of potential application failures and defects injected due to modifications made to the software.
  • Efficiency: This stands for high execution speed environments where performance and scalability are paramount.
  • Security: Low probability of security breaches due to poor coding practices or architecture is very important business-wise.
  • Maintainability: It’s significant to keep maintenance costs under control especially for mission-critical applications.
  • Size: The greater the source code, the more difficult it is to maintain.

In parallel to the testing of the components that will secure the above-mentioned qualities, it’s equally important to run integration tests. These usually are done before the release of the first iteration of an integrated platform, using simulated environments and interconnections, as necessary so as to make sure that our system runs like clockwork to deliver the promised services.


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