In June the RAINBOW consortium will host two orchestration-related online events: a technical webinar on managing Service Level Objectives and a workshop on Edge Orchestration.

SLO Webinar

Date:           June 15, 2022
Time:          15:00 – 16:10 CEST
Location:    Online (Zoom)

Service Level Objectives (SLOs) are used to guide the elasticity in Cloud and Edge applications. Often, they are limited to low-level metrics like average CPU usage, uptime, or network throughput. The Polaris Framework, which is leveraged by the RAINBOW platform, supports the definition and implementation of high-level SLOs, based on composed metrics.

This technical webinar provides an overview of the Polaris Framework, followed by two live demos that showcase its ability to quickly build high-level SLOs. The code presented during the demos, along with other examples, is available on GitHub and can be tested on any machine (i.e., no Edge hardware is required).

Webinar Agenda

15:00 – 15:20Presentation: SLO Handling Overview: Concepts of the Polaris Framework

Speaker: Thomas Pusztai (TU Wien)
15:20 – 15:50Demo 1: Generation and implementation of composed metric and SLO
controllers using the Polaris CLI & configuration of an SLO mapping

Speaker: Thomas Pusztai (TU Wien)
15:50 – 16:10Demo 2: Using predicted metric controllers for proactive scaling

Speaker: Philipp Raith (TU Wien)

Free registration is required at:

Edge Orchestration Workshop

Date:           June 21, 2022
Time:          17:30 – 20:00 CEST
Location:    Online (Zoom)

Platforms for managing Cloud-only infrastructures, such as Kubernetes or OpenStack are well known. Recently various platforms for managing the Cloud-Edge continuum have started to emerge. Both, academia and industry, have presented innovative ideas for tackling the challenges of this domain over the past years.

This workshop presents platforms for managing Cloud-Edge infrastructures and applications deployed on them. We present an overview of the RAINBOW Platform to give the audience a taste of its innovations. Futurewei Technologies, USA will present the open-source Centaurus platform for building unified and highly scalable distributed cloud-edge systems. Additionally, the Polaris Framework designed for handling high-level SLOs and elasticity in both platforms will be showcased. Finally, a panel of distinguished experts from academia and industry will discuss current challenges in managing Cloud-Edge infrastructures and applications.

Workshop Agenda

17:30 – 17:40Opening & Welcome

Speakers: Prof. Schahram Dustdar (TU Wien)
17:40 – 18:00Session 1: RAINBOW Platform Overview

Speaker: Konstantinos Theodosiou (UBITECH Ltd)
18:00 – 18:20Session 2: Polaris Framework: Creating and enforcing complex Service Level Objectives

Speaker: Thomas Pusztai (TU Wien)
18:20 – 18:50Session 3: Demo: Creating an SLO and Elasticity Strategy with the Polaris CLI

Speaker: Thomas Pusztai (TU Wien)
18:50 – 19:00Comfort Break
19:00 – 19:20Session 4: Centaurus: An open-source platform for building unified and highly
scalable distributed cloud-edge systems

Speaker: Deepak Vij (Futurewei Technologies, Inc., USA)
19:20 – 19:50Session 5: Expert Panel Discussion: Managing Cloud-Edge infrastructures and applications

Experts: Prof. Weisong Shi (Wayne State University), Prof. George Pallis
(University of Cyprus), and Deepak Vij (Futurewei Technologies, Inc.)

Moderator: Thomas Pusztai (TU Wien)
19:50 – 20:00Closing

Free registration is required at:

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